Guidance & Support on your Spiritual Journey
Meet your mentor.
Jo has been on the Spiritual Path for more time than she would like to own up to. She has accumulated much wisdom and experience on her path. She steps forward and accepts the mantle of the crone or the wise woman, she knows it is time to sit with all those who need support on their Spiritual Journey.
Offering much needed grounded advice, support and mentoring for spiritual seekers who need someone to shed light on their spiritual path.
We all come here with our gifts to share, and the time is now for Jo to shine a light for others. To take the mantle to provide space, energy and support for those who feel aligned and are in need of advice, clarity and insight to help them on their spiritual path. ​

What to expect - Spiritual Mentoring
Jo feels at home when working with people as a spiritual teacher and mentor. Helping others to shine is her core mission in this lifetime. Continued...
​As Jo steps into her mission, she makes sharing this gift with others a priority. To create a space to offer what she has learned.
What is on offer for you as the Mentee?
Insight and clarity with your life and/or Spiritual challenges and obstacles,
Illumination of your Spiritual lessons,
Perspective about your Spiritual Journey,
Insight into your souls mission on earth,
Understanding of where you are in this now moment, and,
Guidance for your spiritual path ahead.
Why work with Jo as a Spiritual Mentor?
As is the way when walking with spirit, she herself has been working for many years on her own life goals, path and mission.
She has over 25 years working as a Teacher, Mentor, and guide. Her experience covers a multitude of fields, from teaching in high schools, working with retirees, carers, and people of all ages groups. She has also spent time working with small businesses and entrepreneurs on their branding and marketing needs. In the last few years she has also helped mentor small businesses owners and solo-prenuers with their spiritual businesses teaching and mentoring business owners to with their divine creations and bringing forward their visions for the future.
With a deeper understanding of where her strengths lie, she now brings forward her mentoring skills to assist and help you develop and brighten your spiritual path.​
How does Spiritual Mentoring work?
Spiritual Mentoring can take the form that you require. It might be a simple as having a chat about your spiritual journey up to this point, some reflection, digestion, and assistance in creating ease to move into the next stage or phase of your journey.
Psychic Development or Spiritual Advice
You may want to work through blocks, misunderstandings or gaps in your knowledge. We can work together, you set the scene and we devise a plan to work through whatever psychic development or spiritual advice you need.
An example here, is a client who was already very clairsentient and receiving strong messages but had so much tension around what they had heard (from other peoples fearful opinions and well meaning concern for them), this effectively closed down their natural gift. We worked together to release the tension around receiving the messages over a couple of sessions. Now they are more at peace with the messages from spirit and allow the flow in their lives.​

Spiritual check-in (Spiritual tune up)
Together, we view your life from an elevated perspective, opening up to the potentials of your spiritual growth and healing, and helping you to move beyond your current physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges.
A sample of what we could explore together on your Spiritual Check-in:
What you can expect (future focus),
What you could avoid, and
What spiritual lessons you are learning or avoiding?
Together we will make a plan, working to bring your life direction and your spiritual or soul plan for this life back into harmony and balance.
As an empath, Jo has unique skills working with energy in her body (clairempathy and clairsentience). She will support you to shift tension (blockages) in your life, through energy awareness. Learn more about Jo.
Business Mentoring
Working in and on your own Business can be a lonely road. A Spiritual Business Mentor can empower you to reach for your business dreams, turning your business goals into a reality.
With a spiritual business mentor you add another dimension to your business strategy. Small business owners who work on their business goals with Jo have created energetic pathways that support their inner visions.
This can take the form of broad strategic visioning, to product planning, brand and marketing advice.
Solo-prenuers and Business - energetically uplevel your business with Jo by:
creating a single pointed vision for excellence and achievement,
transforming stuck and stagnant energy (finding the way through, over or around),
refine and create future focused goals that are in the highest alignment of your business.
With a deeper understanding of where you and your businesses strengths lie, and with the help of an energy alchemiser Jo Burke Spiritual mentor - you can take your business to the next level.

Creative Solutions - Spiritual Mentoring
Work creatively through your challenges. Team up with Jo to navigate a path ahead, over, through or around what is holding you back.
Through creativity, whether that be painting, drawing, collage or crafting or whatever works best for you. Jo will support you using creativity, goal setting, intention and throw in a tiny bit of ritual into the mix to materialise the energy you want in your life.
Art therapy meets energy awareness - an alchemical process of raising the energy of what is stuck in your life and transforming it through play, creativity, imagination and energy play. A bit of magic for your soul. ​​

What you will gain with a Spiritual mentor
You will
gain insights,
become aware of patterns, review them and see if they work for you or against you,
be supported to take on new perspectives on what is challenging you,
help to shift your perspective, and
create a positive vision for the path ahead.
You will work together to support yours or your businesses evolution.
Experienced Spiritual Mentor
Jo, an experienced Psychic based on the Mornington Peninsula, offering Psychic Readings as well as Spirit Art and Spiritual Mentoring.

Qualifications & experience:
Psychic & Mediumship
Spiritual Business owner
Qigong Facilitator (Opensky)
Energy Artist
Australian Bush flower essence
Reiki Master
Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner
Bachelor Art Education (Hons)
Brand & Marketing support

Qigong (Qi awareness)
Energy Art
Reiki Master
Theta Healing
Bush Flower Remedies/ Flower Essences