We are all born with intuitive or psychic gifts, often we lose touch with them or even dumb them down to fit in. Can you remember a time when you just knew something to be true without explanation? Or, had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right, but couldn’t explain why?
These 'Clair senses' or clear senses are different ways of sensing, knowing, feeling, hearing and seeing are real. They are our psychic senses (‘clairs’) and each one represents a way in which we can receive intuitive guidance or psychic information.

Learning to understand, acknowledge and connect with your own innate inner wisdom can strengthen your natural psychic abilities - in a sense harnessing your Psychic Senses the clairs.
When we consciously tune into and expand our awareness of our psychic senses the clairs, we are able, with practice to connect and interact with the subtle realms of life - helping us live life from a more expanded viewpoint.
Most of us are familiar with at least one of the clairs – clairvoyance is probably the most widely known of the psychic senses. People generally associate clairvoyance with the ability to ‘see’ or predict future events. There are many variations on how many clairs we have - we are going to focus on the 5 most prevalent ones:
1. Clairvoyance (clear seeing). Also known as the psychic third eye, this is the most well-known, but least understood of the clair senses. A clairvoyant’s ability to ‘see’ can range from subtle visual representations to vivid visions. Clairvoyance for some might mean seeing a flash of the colour blue while speaking to someone, while others might experience full-blown premonitions with highly detailed mental images or able to visualise like they are seeing it like a movie - with vivid recall.
TIP: with practice, you can expand wherever your starting point is with this clair (all of them to be honest). Practice using your imagination to walk yourself into a remembered room or a picture and 'see' what comes up for you.

2. Claircognizance (clear knowing). This kind of divine guidance is often delivered to us by intuitive thoughts that simply pop into our heads. It’s suddenly knowing something to be true, without logic or fact to back it up. Sometimes this is a stroke of instant insight or a persistent awareness that something is simply not as it should be. Clear knowers (Claircognizant) just know the information they receive is accurate without knowing how or why.
TIP: To build your muscles in this area of your psychic senses, practice letting your thoughts roam until they stop naturally. Allow the space of nothingness to open up for you. Breathe and continue to breathe, allow your knowing awareness to step forward without getting in your own way. This takes practice as do they all. Note down any knowing-ness and test your accuracy.

3. Clairaudience (clear hearing). This type of psychic intuition is more auditory than claircognizance. Clairaudients can receive intuitive sound messages with their inner or outer hearing. It can range from - a voice in your head that you can clearly distinguish is not yours, right up to a disembodied voice outside your head. It’s being able to hear things other people can’t –, sounds, music, or even words or phrases from the spiritual or ethereal realm.
TIP: If you wake up with a song in your head, or one starts playing in the shower - take note. If you are singing only part of the song (take note) if you need to know more either write down the words and/or look the words up. What do they mean to you? This is clairaudience and the sooner you take notice the sooner your spirit team will continue to send more messages.
4. Clairempathy (clear emotion). Ever walk into a room and be able to sense the tension or the sadness as though it was palpable? You were using clairempathy. People who can sense the energy in and around people are clairempaths (empaths for short). They are intuitively aware of other people’s emotions and receive information and divine guidance by perceiving what someone might be thinking or feeling in an empathetic way.
TIP: If you would like to improve your clairempathy, imagine you are seated next to someone (preferably someone you know). While making very certain you are in your own body and are fully grounded (if you don't know what I am talking about - don't try this) imagine leaning over into the person's energy field, notice any changes in your thinking and feeling when you do this. Allow yourself to relax while doing this. When you feel you are finished - Imagine removing your energy and disconnecting from their energy, seeing yourself clear and bright and only filled with your own divine light.
5. Clairsentience (clear feeling). This is that ‘gut feeling’ you have that intuitively tells you something isn’t as it should be. Clairsentients receive intuitive insight through physical experience. They feel, (not just sense) other people’s emotions, ailments or injuries through visceral sensations. They can often experience the pain, jealousy or fear associated with an event or a particular place. Clairsentients can actually feel the energy, whereas clairempaths can sense the energy.
TIP: To improve your clairsentience, imagine you are the size of your fingernail. You have shrunk down in size so you can travel around your body - like a tiny little traveller who is able to view things from a different vantage point. Imagine this little traveller is magnetised to a place in your body that needs some TLC. Ask your innate intelligence to let you feel what is going on in this area of the body. Allow the sensation to grow and build, and speak out loud the thoughts and feelings this area of the body wants to communicate. Notice any changes. When you are finished disconnect and see yourself as you normally do.

Most people have a dominant psychic sense that they have naturally attuned themselves to, a preferred way of receiving psychic information. Psychics, mediums, etc. usually use a range of clairs to bring through psychic readings and mediumship readings.
As a psychic medium, I am able to receive psychic messages and information through all of the psychic senses. However, I do have certain clairs that are easier for me - Clairsentience, claircognizance and clairempathy usually are my strongest. However, I am continuously working on developing my psychic muscles, working on my clair senses so that I am able to see and hear, or even smell and taste as needed.
Tuning into our natural psychic senses gives us a heightened awareness of the world in which we live. We are able to connect with our higher selves, our all-knowing version of ourselves that is rich with insight, clarity and perspective. And although some people are naturally much more intuitive than others, with a little practice we can all tap into and strengthen our psychic abilities. So, the next time you feel, hear or sense something that you 'know' is different to your everyday perception. Why not practice using your clairs or psychic senses to see where this information might lead you!

Wow interesting reading now to practise